Application form for the grant of advance
increment in pursuance of Federation's
Office Order No. 43 dated 6.01.1995
1. Name
2. Date of Birth
3. Date of joining the
4. Present designation
5. Pay and scale of
6. Place of posting
7. Qualifications (at
the time of joining the
(a) Academic
(b) Professional
8. Additional qualification acquired for which advance increments are
being claimed:
(a) Qualification
(b) University/Institute
(c) Date of publication of result of examination
(to be supported by attest copy of mark sheet/certificate)
9. Whether prior permission of the Federation was obtained for
joining the course at 7(a).
If so, Federation's letter No. and date according sanction
should be quoted.
10. Certified that the information given above is
true. I further certify that I have not been granted any advance increment by
the Federation for acquiring professional qualifications.
Place : Signature .................
Date :
Recommendation of the
Head of Department
Place : Signature
Date : Designation...............
For use in Personnel
Deptt. at H.O.
The statements
made in the application have been verified with reference to personnel records
and found correct.
Place : Signature .................
Date : Designation of